When The Food Is Fun The Kids Will Want Some


You know when you get a word, phrase or song stuck in your head, and it constantly “haunts” you.

Well, this phrase has been circulating over and over in my mind and I just have to get it out….

“When the food is fun the kids will want some. When the food is boring the kids are snoring.”

So there you go! Silly, I know but that phrase was actually the inspiration for the post last week about fun food for kids!

Here’s an example of fun food in action… Green beans are not usually a huge hit with the kids. So, I simply placed a Cute Food Pick into each green bean and, yes you guessed it, the kids polished off the whole plate in a matter of minutes…

It really was that simple. All it took was a few Cute Food Picks to make the food fun for the kids to want some!

What’s been stuck in your head recently? Sharing may help “release” it…

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The Grain Free Lunch Box

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