My experience of 3 weeks of Oil Pulling

My experience of 3 weeks of Oil Pulling

A few weeks ago I mentioned on Facebook that I tried oil pulling for the first time. Well, I’ve now been oil pulling for 3 weeks and I thought I’d share my experience so far.

What Is Oil Pulling?

Oil Pulling is an Ayurvedic technique which involves swishing/rinsing oil around in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. The oil, which collects impurities, is then spit out, but not into a sink because the oil could block a drain, and then you rinse your mouth thoroughly with water and brush your teeth again too. (source)

I’ve chosen coconut oil as my oil of choice, because I prefer the taste and have it in abundance in my house. (where to find coconut oil)

On the first day I managed 10 minutes before spitting it out and since then I’ve been fine with 20 minutes at each session. I usually do it first thing in the morning, either while I’m making lunch boxes for the kids or while I’m sitting on the computer checking email/checking on my website/writing a blog post like this one.

My Kids’ Reaction

My 3 year old is usually confused about why I’m “mmmiing” at him. He thinks I can’t hear him because I can’t speak and he usually ends up eventually understanding and moving on.

They ask a lot of questions every morning once I’ve finished. What did I have in my mouth? What did it taste like? Why was I doing it?

I try and explain the process to them as simply as possible and they usually accept that I’m rinsing “yucky stuff” out of my mouth and feel better afterwards.

The Benefits I’ve Experienced

From what I’ve read, everyone experiences different benefits from oil pulling.

My most noticeable difference is that I feel like I have WAY more energy than usual. On the couple of days where I haven’t oil pulled, I notice the difference in how I feel – so much more exhausted and almost lethargic. So, that’s motivation enough to pull every morning.

I grind my teeth in my sleep and have done for most of my life. As a result, I wear a mouth guard while sleeping, so even after brushing my teeth in the morning they usually feel a bit rough the whole day. Since oil pulling my mouth has felt so much cleaner and my teeth smoother and less “gritty”.

I’d prefer not to get *too* personal, but have to share that another difference I noticed was that my period a couple of weeks ago was a lot lighter and less painful than normal. Sorry if that grosses you out… moving on…

My Oil Pulling Verdict

Overall, I’ve found oil pulling to be a positive daily routine, and one which I’m going to be continuing for the foreseeable future.

Have you tried oil pulling before? Please share your experience in the comments.

For more information about oil pulling, this book is the go-to reference on the subject:

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