Lemon and Poppy Seed Muffins – Happy Australia Day!

Happy Australia Day! The weather here in Melbourne is perfect – not too hot or cold, just sunny, clear and warm! For Melbourne that’s a real treat, it’s more often one extreme or the other! To celebrate the glorious day, we took the boys down to a park in South Melbourne on the beach and had a ball enjoying the sunshine.

Tomorrow Mr 3’s Kinder is having an Australia Day/Welcome to the New Year Picinc. I volunteered to make muffins. After the huge hit my Choc Chunk & Lemon Muffins were with the family, I decided to alter the recipe (only slightly!) to make Lemon and Poppy Seed Muffins. I used Green and Yellow cupcake wrappers in Celebration of the Aussie “Green & Gold” Colours! (where to find poppy seeds)

Poppy Seeds are actually really, really good for you – they are high in fiber and full of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. So, an extra incentive to make them!

The only change to the original recipe was that I simply replaced the choc chunks with two tablespoons of Poppy Seeds. Pour the Poppy Seeds over the muffin batter and fold them through once you’ve folded the wet into the dry mixture.

Make sure you fold all the poppy seeds through so you don’t get any poppy seedy chunks!

Instead of 12 normal sized muffins, I made 24 mini muffins, and in fact there was so much batter that I made a few normal sized muffins as well. I popped the mini muffin tray onto a baking tray and surrounded the tin with cupcake wrappers that kind of got squished while baking! That’s ok, as these were for the family to enjoy today!

I knew that when Mr 3 saw the muffins he’d want one, and sure enough he did. So, I gave him one of the “family muffins”. Had one myself and they were just perfect! Lemony, moist and full of Poppy Seed Goodness.

Hope you have enjoyed your Australia Day, and enjoyed some quality time with your family.

Where to find poppy seeds:

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