5 Books To Help Kids Eat More Vegetables

A recent study revealed that children eat more vegetables after learning about “the importance of healthy food and why their bodies need a variety of foods.” (See: Teaching Young Children a Theory of Nutrition: Conceptual Change and the Potential for Increased Vegetable Consumption Psychological Science 0956797612474827, first published on June 26, 2013)

So, when kids understand the benefits they are so much more inclined to actually try vegetables and others foods they would usually turn their noses up at.

It’s not only vegetables – my almost 5 year old was resistant to meat more than other food group and once we told him that meat will help his muscles grow like his Daddy, then he was more inclined to eat meat.

If you’d like to do your own experiment then here are 5 books to help you in your quest to get your kids to broaden their eating horizons:

1. I Can Eat A Rainbow by Anabel Karmel

2. Good Enough To Eat by Lizzy Rockwell

3. Eating The Rainbow by Star Bright Books

4. Eating The Alphabet by Lois Ehlert

5. The Vegetables We Eat by Gail Gibbons


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