Cooking With Kids – Making Muffins

Cooking With Kids Making Muffins

For this week’s session of cooking with my kids, I decided to make a batch of Grain Free Muffins together. I found a recipe online that I wanted to try, it looked (and sounded) delicious and I thought it would be a fun recipe to make together with the kids. Something along the way didn’t go quite right and the muffins burned quickly and didn’t get as firm (or attractive looking) as they appeared.

So, I won’t be sharing any recipe with you today, but rather the experience of making muffins with the kids, even though the weren’t completely edible in the end!

We started our cooking session by getting out all the ingredients and the 12 hole muffin tin. Each of the kids wanted a turn at counting how many holes the tin had…

Cooking With Kids Blog

Then we filled the muffin tin with muffin liners, counting along the way – how many do we need, how many have we filled and how many more do we need… this went on until all 12 holes were filled with muffin liners.

As I’ve mentioned a number of times before, my 5 year olds absolute favorite kitchen task is cracking eggs. Lucky for him, the recipe needed 4 eggs to be cracked. He took his task very seriously, carefully cracking one egg after the other into the bowl. Whenever any eggshell found it’s way into the bowl, he was sure to point it out to me…

Cooking With Kids Eggshell

Then, they both had to get closer look before carefully removing any little bits of eggshell that fell into the bowl.

Cooking With Kids Together

Next, he beat the eggs with his much loved kitchen tool – his old fashioned egg beater. (where to find an egg beater)

I then measured out and combined together the dry ingredients, with the help of my 3 year old.

Then, I got the kids to work together to pour the honey into the eggs and then mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Thankfully, they co-operated with little incidence.

Cooking With Kids Teamwork

They stood in their places and watched as I shared the batter amongst the prepared muffin liners and carefully placed the tin in the oven.

That was the end of their cooking contribution and they waited (and asked repeatedly) if their muffins were ready!

As I mentioned above, the muffins cooked/burned much quicker than the time specified in the recipe and I turned the oven down so that they could cook all the way through without browning any further.

When I took them out the oven they were a little sad and sunken and not the triumphant muffins I was hoping for. This didn’t deter the kids though, they happily enjoyed the fruits of their hard work and commented on how sweet  and “yummy” the muffins were!

While I haven’t shared the recipe for these muffins today, I hope this blog post will inspire you to get in the kitchen with your kids and follow one of your favorite recipes or check out my recipe index to find one you’d love to cook with your kids!

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