Cooking With Kids – Spelt Tortillas

Cooking With Kids Spelt Tortillas

The other day I made Spelt Tortillas with the kids for the first time. Don’t know why it’s taken me quite so long to make my first batch of tortillas, and now that I know how easy (and gratifying) the process is, I’ll be making them more often.

Making Spelt Tortillas is a wonderful recipe to make with the kids, because it’s super simple, and unlike the long wait for bread to bake, once your dough has had 30 minutes resting time and rolled out, your tortillas are ready in mere minutes!

As I mentioned in my post about Cooking With Kids Without Going Crazy, the first step in making Spelt Tortillas, is getting prepared by getting out all the ingredients and equipment you’ll need for the cooking session. I rummaged through my cupboards to find my hidden rolling pin and a board for rolling kneading and rolling out the tortillas.

I also hunted through my pantry for my treasured bag of Spelt Flour. I love cooking with spelt flour – it’s much gentler on our digestion than traditional flour and has a lovely flavor too. (where to find spelt flour)

As this was my first attempt at making tortillas, I stuck pretty strictly to a recipe I found on The Guardian Website from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. Click here for the recipe. Being a fan of his TV Shows and owning a couple of his books, I knew that a Spelt Tortilla recipe of his would be delish – and it truly was!

The recipe is pretty straightforward – combine Spelt Flour and salt together, drizzle over olive oil and then slowly add water and work until you have a dough. Then knead the dough until smooth and allow it to rest for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes the dough is broken into 4 balls, which are rolled out flat and then cooked for a couple of minutes a side. See – pretty simple!

How to make Spelt Tortillas

I involved the kids in the mixing, kneading and rolling, giving them each a turn at each task. 4 tortillas meant that they each had 2 go’s at rolling out tortillas – everything must be equal or we have arguments galore!

Cooking With Kids Spelt Tortillas

Do you have any tortilla making tips you’d like to share? Being new to the world of making spelt tortillas I’m eager to learn!

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