How To Make The Perfect Scrambled Eggs

How To Make The Perfect Scrambled Eggs

I first encountered truly amazing scrambled eggs at a hotel in Denmark many years ago. My Husband still talks about the perfectly scrambled eggs whenever I (poorly) attempt to recreate them. So, it’s been my quest for years to try different recipes and techniques of this simple dish which has more variations than you’d imagine…

On doing research for different techniques, I came across this video which has over 9 million whopping views (at the time of publishing). It’s by Gordon Ramsay.

I watched the video and made scrambled eggs to his directions and to be perfectly honest, they were just way too runny and mushy for our liking. But, to each his/her own and I share the video because this method may just produce scrambled eggs which are more to your liking…

Finally though I’ve found a technique which we believe makes the perfect scrambled eggs. Similar to Gordon Ramsay’s method above (in that they are slow cooked) but cooked in a different way.

How To Make The Perfect Scrambled Eggs

  • 4 Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup Milk
  • Butter for cooking
  1. Heat the butter in a frying pan on the lowest heat.
  2. While the butter is melting, beat together the eggs and milk until smooth.
  3. Once the butter has melted, pour the beaten eggs into the frying pan.
  4. Keeping the heat on low cook the eggs very, very slowly, stirring continuously.
  5. It takes time and patience but eventually the eggs begin to thicken and scramble.
  6. Keep stirring and scrambling until the eggs are cooked to your liking.
  7. Once cooked, remove and serve.

Cooking the eggs using this method produces the softest, most perfect scrambled eggs – quite simply the best ever!

How To Make The Perfect Scrambled Eggs