Our Homeschool Schedule

Our Homeschool Schedule – we’re in our 7th year of homeschooling and I’m sharing our routine that works for us. With tips for beginners and how to juggle working from home too. Our Homeschool Schedule While our homeschool schedule isn’t set in stone, we move through a roughly similar routine every day that works for […]

Reflecting On Our First 6 Months Of Homeschooling

This week we begin the 2nd half of our first year of homeschooling so I thought it would be a great time to share a post reflecting on our first 6 months of homeschooling. (You can read about our routine here.) I know it sounds cliche but I seriously cannot believe that half the year […]

Our Homeschooling Routine

As requested, in this post I’ll share Our Homeschooling Routine – happening right now. We’ve been homeschooling for a couple of months now and are settled into a happy routine. My boys (who are 3 and 5 years old) wake between 6am and 7am, they have free play and breakfast and we start our more […]