March Reflections

March was such a busy month that I thought today would be a great day to take stock and reflect back on all the Yummy Inspirations March Creations!

Most Popular Post
I’ll start with the most popular post for the month of March – which happened to be this Green Muffin Tin Meal that I prepared for Mr 21 months. The Muffin Tin Meal includes Zucchini Hash Browns, Cucumber Hearts and Kiwi Fruit Circles. I can see why you guys clicked through to see more about this Muffin Tin Meal – it’s simply irresistible!

Most Pinned Item
Through the month of March I started a love affair with Pinterest and am slowly updating all my earlier posts with Pin It buttons. In the meantime, it’s interesting to discover what becomes popular on Pinterest and what receives a few lonely pins! This Meat and 3 Vegetables Muffin Tin Meal was the most Pinned Post for the month of March. Yet another inviting Muffin Tin Meal that was prepared for Mr 21 Months. My laziness showed a little with the inclusion of Cheerios as his carb content… shhh!

Vegetable Adventures
Through the 2nd half of the month, I experimented with Sweet Potato and Beetroot – broadening my kids (and my) eating horizons in the process.

These Tuna and Sweet Potato Burgers were a huge hit with the family, and were featured on A Little Nosh’s Tastetastic Thursday. 

My March Personal Favorite Recipe…
Just has to be the Red Quinoa and Chocolate Chip Cookies, they were decadently chocolatey, yet low in sugar and fat, and even better – full of fibre and protein. Simply put – a richly nutritious cookie that’s actually good for you! The cookies also received acclaim of their own by being featured in both A Little Nosh’s Tastetastic Thursday and Teaching “Good” Eaters – Food Adventure Friday. Thanks to you both for sharing the Cookie Love!

I’ve got a number of recipes I’m working on, can’t wait to share them with you. Am sure it’s going to be another huge month. Have a Happy Month of April.