School’s Out For Summer!

Yesterday was both boys last day of school/kinder/care so they are now both home with me full time for the next while. I’m looking forward to getting up to cooking adventures and going on family outings over the summer break, like visit Melbourne City and Melbourne Zoo. After posting my Top 10 Bento Lunch Boxes […]


To GAPS Or Not To GAPS? My Husband and I are seriously thinking about moving our family onto The GAPS Diet to heal a number of lingering health issues. Firstly, for those of you who haven’t yet heard of The GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Diet, here’s a brief outline of the history of how […]

Salmon Patties

I’m always looking for ways to include more fish in our regular diet, in addition to favorites like Fish Poached in Milk or this yummy Tuna Gratin. So, I bought a tin of Wild Alaskan Pink Salmon and went on the hunt for some inspiration. After a little searching, I found a recipe for the […]

Banana & Sweet Potato Treat

Now that Mr 4 is open to enjoying more and more foods, it’s inspired me to get even more creative with the foods I offer him. With him openly eating more and more vegetables, I’m finding fun ways to incorporate his new favorite flavors into some old favorites – like this little gem I came […]

How To Get Your Fussy Eater To Try New Foods

It’s no secret that Mr 4 is my fussy eater – he is the inspiration behind me starting this blog, to help other parents of fussy eaters cope and keep their fussy eater nourished. This journey has taken a couple of detours along the way (including me going back to study at University to become […]

Teddy Sandwich Bento Lunch Box

Mr 2 is the foodie in my family, eating almost anything he is served. Sometimes though, he can be a little fussy. Lately he’s been fussy with, of all things, sandwiches! I’ll serve him his lunch and he’ll nibble on his fruit and vegetables but barely touch his sandwiches. I thought, maybe he’s a little […]

Popcorn and Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Warning!! These Popcorn and Peanut Butter Cupcakes are terribly addictive… they are salty and sweet, crunchy and gooey…  and you WILL find it a challenge to stop at just one. (but don’t let that stop you from indulging in these heavenly treats…) I’ve made the ‘sauce’ for this recipe a number of time and have […]

Roast Zucchini Sandwich Spread & Lunches Roundup

Following on from the great success I had with offering Mr 3 Avocado and Spinach Sandwich Spread, I decided to play with the recipe a little to nourish him with more vegetables. In this instance Zucchini. I first roasted the Zucchini to help bring out the sweetness of the nutritious vegetable and enhance the flavor. […]

Bento Lunchbox made by Mr 3

Mr 3 has been asking me for an old fashioned whisk (see below for picture) for a couple of weeks. They have one at his kinder and he’s been playing with it there regularly, so he wanted one at home too. So, I’ve been looking and they are a little tricky to find nowadays. Luckily, […]

Bento Supplies Clean-Up

Over the past year, I’ve slowly been accumulating Bento Lunchbox Supplies and my storage hasn’t quite kept up. This has meant my kitchen benchtop/tabletop has slowly been overtaken by cute food picks and mini cookie cutters! So, here is the before photo (eek!)… As you can see, it’s a bit of a jumbled mess, overflowing […]