Bento Lunchbox made by Mr 3

Mr 3 has been asking me for an old fashioned whisk (see below for picture) for a couple of weeks. They have one at his kinder and he’s been playing with it there regularly, so he wanted one at home too. So, I’ve been looking and they are a little tricky to find nowadays. Luckily, I found one when I was out shopping with him recently and he couldn’t wait to make something all by himself the minute we got home.

I got a big bowl out for him and some eggs and he whisked 2 eggs and then said we needed more ingredients. I thought I’d try and get him to actually EAT eggs in a form other than baked goods – since he’s been up to his fussy tricks lately – not wanting to go too close to eggs at mealtimes. So, I got him a piece of break to soak in his eggs for a nice serve of french toast.

Not following the traditional soaking method, he decided to break the bread into tiny pieces, drop it into the whisked eggs and mash it to a pulp with his whisk! (He is a 3 year old boy after all, and they do love to be a little rough!) He did this with about a quarter of a piece of bread and was stern in telling me that that was ENOUGH bread.

He told me his bowl still needed more ingredients, and as the honey was on the kitchen benchtop/tabletop, he insisted on a drizzling of honey over his eggs and then asked for a little milk – not too much though.

I popped his batter into a small heated frying pan and fried until golden on both sides.

It came out as sort of a cross between a plain omelette and french toast, although it looks almost like a pancake too. I tasted a tiny bit and think he’s onto an interesting egg making method. They were sweet and had the comfort food texture of french toast without being too heavy.

While the omelette was cooking, I asked him what he wanted in the rest of his lunch box. He filled the bulk of it with his favorite fruits – grapes, bananas and cut stars from a green apple. He directed me to cut 4 stars – no more, no less, and he counted as I went. He then selected two picks from my newly organised Bento Storage Box. I offered him to pick more (pardon the pun) but he had his Bento vision and was happy with the two he’d picked! (there I go again!)

As a result of making his lunch with his own two little hands – Mr 3 ATE the entire contents of the Bento Lunchbox. In addition – he ate the entire Omelette you see him cutting in the above photo. Once he’d eaten the egg in his lunchbox, I just subtly topped it up until the big plate was empty!