1 Year Weight Loss Results

1 Year Weight Loss Results – Low Carb Keto Diet Before and After Transformation Success Story and Pictures

1 Year Weight Loss Results - Low Carb Keto Diet Before and After Transformation Success Story and Pictures

1 Year Weight Loss Results

A year ago I decided to start the low carb, keto diet. And what a year it’s been! There have been ups and downs along the way, but overall I’m so happy that I took that important first step and started my Keto Diet Journey one year ago.

1 Year Ago Today…

1 year ago today I was in a very unhealthy place. I knew I needed to make a change to my eating habits and after hearing about the Keto Diet, decided to look more into it and fell in love with the way of eating.

So, I dived head first into my new way of eating, not cheating even once in the first 6 months of my journey.

Weight Loss Success

After a year of a weight loss journey you may expect some grand number. But, my journey was slow and steady and I tried really hard not to compare my weight loss to others.

It can be hard to judge a year by a number on a scale, when there are SO many other health benefits associated with changing your diet so drastically. Aside from the weight loss, I’ve enjoyed feeling so much better in so many ways – from healthier nails and hair to sleeping better. All of which I can attribute to my change in diet.

If you’re curious about the total number, in the first 6 months I lost 17kg and since then I’ve put a couple of kg’s back on and have settled on around the 14.5kg mark.

Keto Weight Loss Plateaus and Stalls

I suffered through multiple plateaus through the year. Long plateaus can be frustrating and I found that within the Keto community, plateaus are met with calls for being stricter, for fat fasts or egg fasts.

I personally find that all that does for me is send me on a disordered eating spiral, so I prefer to take a breather, not think about weight loss and come back to it when I’m in a more positive head space. Everyone is different and that’s what works for me.

Improved Eating Habits

Through the year I also really tried to address my snacking habits and be more intuitive with when and what I eat. With Keto I found that I wasn’t anywhere near as hungry as I’d been in the past, so found myself snacking a LOT less and listening to my hunger cues more closely.

1 Year Weight Loss Before and After Pictures

1 Year Weight Loss Results - Low Carb Keto Diet Before and After Transformation Success Story and Pictures

When I look at the before and after photos I sometimes can’t believe I’m the same person! (I am, I promise!) My whole appearance looks different. I look lighter not just in weight but also so much calmer and happier.

The transformation has been phenomenal. My skin, eyes, hair and nails are all healthier than I ever remember.

1 Year Weight Loss Results - Low Carb Keto Diet Before and After Transformation Success Story and Pictures

It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago and I took a comparison photo (see above!) and when I compare photos of me from my birthday last year versus this year it looks like I’m aging backwards!! (If only that were true and would continue!)

What Next?

While a lot of my meals are still Keto, I’m no longer in Ketosis or strictly on the Keto Diet. I’ve found myself gravitating towards a 16/8 Intuitive Eating regime which I’ve been doing for about a month now and that’s what I’ll be continuing with for the time being. I go into more details in this post.

1 Year Weight Loss Reflection

Overall it’s been an amazingly positive year. While I may not have lost as much weight as I would have liked, the fact that I actually made positive changes for the benefit of my health is something that I’m proud of.

I don’t even want to think where I’d be today if I hadn’t started my Keto Diet journey. I’m grateful that I did and look forward to seeing where the next year takes me.

1 Year Weight Loss Results Video

Here’s the video where I talk you through my 1 year weight loss milestone. Hit play below or click here to watch on YouTube.

1 Year Weight Loss Results - Low Carb Keto Diet Before and After Transformation Success Story and Pictures

I launched the Quick Start To Keto Diet recently to help those of you wanting to start the Keto Diet but not sure how to begin. It’s the helping hand I would have loved when I started and I put it together to help you. Click here to learn more.

Keto Diet Quick Start Guide

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Disclaimer – this post is meant for informational post only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your health professional before making any dietary changes.

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