Fats To Eat On Keto – List Of The Best Good & Healthy Fat types of foods on the Low Carb Ketogenic Diet to show you how to get enough fat.
Fats To Eat On Keto
Do you want to know how to make sure you get enough fat on the low carb keto diet? Simple – enjoy good fats with every meal and in abundance.
Healthy fats are the main source of energy and make up the bulk of your daily calories on a keto diet, and there really are so many wonderful different types of fats and great options to include in your healthy diet.
List of Healthy Keto Fats To Eat On Keto
Here are some of my favorite natural fats that I’ve enjoyed to help my weight loss through my Keto Diet Journey in recent years.
#1. Avocado
Avocado is so wonderfully creamy and versatile to include in your diet. Avocado will help you increase your daily fat intake while having plenty of health benefits including being high in vitamins C and E and high in magnesium and potassium too. (Source.)
Sometimes I’ll make a salad and include heaps of avocado or I’ll simply have a half an avocado as a side with a meal like with fried eggs for breakfast.
#2. Egg Yolks
Eggs are great for breakfast, or any meal for that matter. You can have eggs as an omelette, fried, scrambled or poached. Or even make hard boiled eggs to enjoy as a keto snack on the go.
As eggs are a complete source of protein, meaning that they contain all the essential amino acids needed in the diet. Eggs also happen to be one of the best options that are naturally high in grams of fat.
#3. Nuts
Nuts and seeds are the perfect low carb high-fat foods that are packed with vitamins, minerals and protein.
Macadamia nuts are my absolute all time favorite nut and they also happen to have the perfect Keto macros – wonderfully high in fats and low in carbs.
I also love including chia seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds in my diet by either enjoying a portion by the handful or sprinkled over a salad or low carb friendly yogurt.
You may also choose to include nut butters such as peanut butter or almond butter in your low carb high-fat diet.
#4. Full Fat Dairy Products

Cream, sour cream and mascarpone feature heavily in my diet, in some form in most meals. I love mixing cream through scrambled eggs, or making a creamy sauce with cream and/or mascarpone. Also, a dollop of sour cream is delicious as a side with most savory meals to help elevate the healthy fat content.
Other dairy favorites that are the best fats include cream cheese, cheese and brie which are all mixed and matched through my meals and blended into delicious fat bombs.
#5. Grass-Fed Butter

Yes, I know butter is dairy, but it really deserves a category of it’s own, because it’s really such a wonderful super food and a great source of healthy fats.
I cook most of my meals in butter and even often mix a teaspoon or so into hot chocolates as a great way to enjoy a creamy, dreamy and warming drink.
#6. Good Oils

I alternate between using coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil. Depending on the meal and what I feel like including. Coconut oil is perfect to use in cooked meals in place of butter if you want. Extra-Virgin olive oil and avocado oil are lovely incorporated into salad dressings.
One added benefit of coconut oil is that around 45-50% of coconut oil is made up of MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) which may promote fat loss. Who wouldn’t want that?
Good Fats For Keto – Video
Here’s the video where I talk you through a few of my favorite sources of fat. Hit play below or click here to watch on YouTube.
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